Streamline Compliance: Enhancing business processes through an Employee Experience solution

Streamline Compliance: Enhancing business processes through an Employee Experience solution

In the ever-changing world of modern business, maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements is both a necessity and a challenge. For many organisations, achieving this balance can feel like walking a tightrope. On one side lies the imperative to meet rigorous...
Microsoft Copilot really could revolutionise workplace productivity

Microsoft Copilot really could revolutionise workplace productivity

Never has there been a better time to get “stuff” done in the workplace, what with all this new technology knocking about it can literally do some of the work for you whilst you make a coffee…ok that may be a stretch but you get the gist. Microsoft CoPilot is now...
Is your company intranet really meeting the needs of your employees?

Is your company intranet really meeting the needs of your employees?

Intranets have been around since the mid-nineties in one form or another and are still very much part of the workplace technology landscape. Most organisations have an intranet of some kind and choose to invest significantly in them. Occasionally we hear observers...